Big box buying is fine for your toilet paper. I do it too. But trusting the future to a big box financial company? Think back to the 2008 financial crisis. The big names in finance spent much of their resources continuing to promote their brand, paying for fancy offices, and giving bonuses to their executives. And where exactly do they get all of those resources? From their investors!
From the looks of things, it seems like they specialize in quantity, producing complex documents, and deducting hard to understand fees. To get any sort of personal attention beyond the moment you sign your investments over to them, you need to have at least a gazillion dollars in your investment account.
You may be thinking…'But the Wall Street gurus have MBA's, PhD’s, and algorithms. Surely they know better.’ I hear you. But I have to wonder, if that matters so much, how did we get into that 2008 financial crisis to start with? Lesson learned: acronyms don’t replace common sense, transparency, and a commitment to doing what’s best for clients.
I personally don’t come from money, and my parents didn’t have a financial advisor. Frankly, I used to think that people who needed a financial advisor were rich. Maybe not Bill Gates rich, but they certainly had a lot more money than someone like me. People who have a lot of money do need financial advice, but so does the Average Joe.
There are nuances and specific circumstances unique to each person, but for the most part, we all encounter the same life milestones and face the same distractions that could prevent us from achieving our personal vision of wealth and success. I want to help you take action to make your plans become a reality.
I’m not interested in becoming another Wall Street advisor or having my name on the side of a building. I want to be a part of improving the financial health of our community. I believe the best way to do that is to help people who want to do the right things but aren’t sure where to start.
I’ve always had a passion for financial responsibility. In fact, I started my first business at the age of 15, purchased my first house at 22, and you can ask my wife about the binders of bills and financial statements I kept, dating back to my college days! I want to use that passion to help people just like you. In the process, it’s my goal to make a decent living and support my family. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. If it sounds reasonable to you, too, give me a call today.
As always, I ask you to be a good friend and share this with yours. Have a great week!